“Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know I need an Estate Plan. I have assets, and I have ideas about what I want done with some of them. But it is depressing to think about dying, and it’s expensive! Why should I even bother? And how do I get this done?”
Like Taxes, Death is inevitable. No one is leaving this world any other way, and to ignore or put off planning is shortsighted. Please keep in mind—you already HAVE an estate plan!! That’s right, the State of Michigan has drafted an Estate Plan just for you…..and the millions who ignore planning for their death. It is called “Intestacy” and there is a special statute with lots of provisions about what will happen to your assets. Now, like most folks, I understand that the government does a lot of great things, and more than a few messed up things! However, I am unique, and I want to pass on my assets to the next generation in a way that suits me best. What the government has set up as a standard does not suit me. Do you know if it suits you?
Estate planning should not be ardous or expensive. Find a lawyer who you like, and work together to create a plan that meets your needs. A well-organized person together with some good lawyering can craft a plan that meets your needs, and ensures that you have that peace of mind. Estate Planning means creating a summary of your assets, a list of ideas where you want those assets to go, and a consultation with a great lawyer to make your ideas a reality. Check out my Estate Planning worksheet on my website to help you get organized.
We plan our days, we plan our finances, we plan our careers, we plan our lives…..why leave your death and distribution to Chance or the Government? Take the time, make an appointment, and let’s get the plan you need started today!